Lasting Impression

People often emphasize the significance of a first impression, whether in dating, corporate gatherings, or networking. However, I propose that the lasting impression you leave on others is even more crucial.

When it comes to understanding God, many are stuck at their initial impression, perceiving Him as distant, vengeful, or constantly disappointed. God, though, offers a clear and lasting impression of compassion, grace, patience, love, and faithfulness.

As we explore God's character in the coming weeks, we aim to connect it with Jesus, the ultimate expression of compassion, grace, patience, love, and faithfulness. Our goal as followers of Jesus is to reflect these traits in our character.

While Christians are not always perceived this way initially, I believe we can make a lasting impression in our relationships. This process requires intentional time with God, involving spiritual practices and commitment to receiving from Him. Through this, we can authentically reflect God's character to those around us and share a lasting impression of compassion, grace, love, faithfulness, patience, and forgiveness with the world.


Spiritual Practices to Test Drive in the New Year


Navigating the Wilderness